On 03/30/2012 04:46 PM, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
Starting a new thread from one in announce:


Please comment, after which Walter will approve. Walter's approval means
that he would approve a pull request implementing DIP16 (subject to
regular correctness checks).



Those are two proposals.

I think the first one should be implemented.

I don't really like the second one.

1. It is an over-general solution, because it does not solve a general problem.

2. Library writers lose control. All symbol names in the package are reserved when the package is deployed. It will be a breaking change to introduce a sub-package that happens to have the same name as some symbol defined in any module in the same package hierarchy.

3. symbol lookup is already hard enough to get right, because compile time reflection and conditional code generation can introduce ambiguities and contradictions. DMD does not get it right. It is likely that this change would make fixing this in a general but not-too-conservative way considerably harder.

Maybe it would be better to just interpret foo.bar.baz as foo.bar.package.baz if foo.bar is a package that has been imported via the foo.bar.package rewrite? Of course, issue 2 probably would remain.

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