On 4/1/2012 7:12 PM, Davita wrote:
On Sunday, 1 April 2012 at 07:53:37 UTC, Andrej Mitrovic wrote:
On 4/1/12, dsimcha <dsim...@yahoo.com> wrote:
I think QtD is now usable since the relevant compiler bugs were
ironed out.

I doubt that it even compiles. The last update was almost a year ago,
and I've had access violations with D2 back then.

Well, that's what i'm talking about. D is such a wonderful language that
it should scream on different forums and sites such as stackoverflow or
codeproject, but instead it's very quite, passive. And I think this is
due to the lack of quality development tools. :(
None of the companies or organizations I know would never start
development on DWT or QtD. Shouldn't D team address those issues? I
mean, only enthusiasmic community can't do much here. I think a sponsor
or some commercial interest is a must, or as I already mentioned above,
to work with Nokia guys and bring D with QtCreator. Or maybe to work
with MS and integrate D in VS and WinRT api. If one big organization
starts using D, then more and more people will have trust in D and start
using it. Otherwise I don't think the future of D will be as bright as
it should :(

The core D "team" already have enough on their plates in developing the DMD compiler, DRuntime, and Phobos. There's just not enough manpower there to go off on tangents, however beneficial they may be. It's a matter of priorities. For the time being, that sort of thing has to be community-driven. The situation now is a far sight better than it used to be.

Eventually, the tool chain will be there and those who can't live without all of the frilly bells and whistles will be satisfied. Until that time, those of us who *can* live without all of that can use D quite happily. And the more of us who do, the closer we get to Nirvana. Baby steps and all that.

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