On 02/04/2012 11:32, Simen Kjaeraas wrote:
On Mon, 02 Apr 2012 12:03:14 +0200, deadalnix <deadal...@gmail.com> wrote:
I have a design question, or maybe it is a bug ? In D, == and != have the same
precedence than comparisons operators. This isn't the case in C/C++ . Is it a 
decision, made on purpose ? Is it a bug ?
It's there to force proper parenthezation:

That combined with associativity rules.

In C(++),
    a < b == c <= d
    (a < b) == (c <= d)

However, if one simply made all the comparison operators equal precedence, then the meaning of this would change to
    ((a < b) == c) <= d

However, what has actually been done is to make these operators non-associative as well, in order to render it an illegal expression. This was done to prevent subtle typos or confusion with other languages/notations where chaining of comparison operators denotes a conjunction of the comparisons.

Another way to look at it is that the different comparison operators have no precedence relative to each other (though each still needs to be non-associative). Indeed, another change that has taken place is to make the comparison operators have no precedence relative to the bitwise boolean operators, simply because the C precedence rules here were confusing.


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