On 04/07/2012 10:35 AM, BillWendt wrote:
Apparently, then, when you have no substance, the cure is to get a mascot?

These are orthogonal concerns.

Good products "sell" themselves. If D lacks market share after being
introduced 10 years ago,

10 years ago, it was not a language I would have used. (In fact, the same probably holds for a time span of only 2 years.)

do you REALLY think a cutsie-tootsie graphic is going to help?

Why do you assume it is intended to?



That said, I would like to know HOW MANY is this group of soldiers fighting
for D's resurrection and saving of the world.

It never died.

Seriously. How many?

That is completely unimportant.

Also, I would like to know, in a consolidated way, what the hopes are of those
"soldiers". (I think I may know, even if they don't).

I enjoy using D. Popularity contests are childish.

Lastly, I would like to know if there are any developers (or programmers,
and yes, there is a difference) here that have not ever worked with C or

So what?


(Yeah, I tend to be blunt. Deal with it.)

(Well, why do you tend to be blunt? Most people are not like that.
Also, why do you care?)

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