On Monday, 9 April 2012 at 13:19:32 UTC, Manu wrote:
Who wrote this? I wonder if they'd be interested in adapting it to VisualD
+ MonoDevelop?

On 9 April 2012 12:56, Ary Manzana <a...@esperanto.org.ar> wrote:

On 4/9/12 7:26 AM, Kevin Cox wrote:

I was wondering about the foreach statement and when you implement opApply() for a class it is implemented using closures. I was wondering if this is just how it is expressed or if it is actually syntatic sugar. The reason I aski is because if you have a return statement inside a foreach it returns from the outside function not the "closure".

I was just wondering if anyone could spill the implementation details.


In this video you can see what foreach with opApply gets translated to (at
about minute 1):


That was Descent, a plugin for Eclipse. They did it by porting
DMD, with changes, to Java. A horribly painful task I'd imagine.
I wonder if it'd be easier by just creating bindings for DMD for
the language of choice.

That being said, if MonoDevelop's parser gets to the point where
it can evaluate this stuff well, I think that'd work just as
nicely. You won't quite be able to see the actual compiler's
representation of it, but you'd be able to expand mixins and such.

Note that Descent hasn't been updated in almost a year now unfortunately.

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