* Somedude <lovelyd...@mailmetrash.com> [2012-04-13 04:25:19 +0200]:
> Well, it's not really urgent. It's fast enough.
> Still, collecting statistics over time would have been nice, so that one
> could analyse the general behaviour of the GC, for instance, by getting
> an idea of the standard deviation and maximum response time over weeks
> of use. I guess since it can handle much larger loads, the forum server
> is not stressed enough to give very meaningful insight under heavy load.
> But I have experienced a response of several seconds once, I don't know
> where this comes from (although it's most likely one of your reasons).
> So collecting real time data would have to be done for each component of
> the chain (SQLite, cache, D generated page). Such data would be useful
> for any web server anyway.

I doubt that the GC is the source of any real problems. As a web
developer (in PHP no less :S) I can say with authority that most slow
downs are due to waiting on external services and data processing. Some
of the slowest parts of our site are due to heavy database usage where
we have to perform over 100 SQL queries to generate a page. Other
slowdowns are caused by the need to process the data.

I understand that you want to see how the GC affects the server
performance, but it will be so small that it will be lost in the noise,
a blip in traffic because it's lunchtime and people are watching youtube
in your area will cause a bigger delay than the GC kicking in.

James Miller

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