"H. S. Teoh" <hst...@quickfur.ath.cx> wrote in message 
> I'm writing some code that does some very simplistic parsing, and I'm
> just totally geeking out on how awesome D is for writing such code:

Heh, yup :)

I grew up on C/C++ (well, after outgrowing BASIC anyway), and one of the 
first things that blew me away about D was its string-processing.

> alias void delegate(string key, string value) attrDg;
> attrDg[string] dgs = [
> "name": delegate(string key, string value) {
> d.name = value;
> },
> "phone": delegate(string key, string value) {
> d.phone = value;
> },
> "age": delegate(string key, string value) {
> d.age = to!int(value);
> },
> ... // whole bunch of other stuff to
> // parse different attributes
> ];

Yea, I've done the same trick :) Fantastic stuff. But the one issue I have 
with it is that you can't do this:

void delegate()[string] dgs = [
    "name": delegate() {
        // do stuff
    "phone": delegate() {
        // do stuff
        dgs["name"](); // ERR! (Shit!)
        // do stuff

That limitation is kind of annoying sometimes. I think I filed a ticket for 


Ahh, shit, it's been marked invalid :(

>Did I mention I'm totally in love with D?? Seriously. It can handle
>system-level code and "high-level" text-processing code with total
>impunity. What's there not to like?!

Yup. Like, totally. :)

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