On Saturday, April 21, 2012 03:53:08 Jakob Ovrum wrote:
> On Saturday, 21 April 2012 at 01:31:45 UTC, Jonathan M Davis
> >_Very_ little in D requires or does flow
> > analysis.
> And D is worse off because of it.

Not being a compiler expert, I don't really know how much an issue flow 
analysis really is, but for better or worse, Walter clearly thinks that it 
complicates the compiler unnecessarily. Still, there are at least optimization 
cases where it would probably help quite a bit to be able to do more flow 
analysis. So, I do agree on that level. However, in this particular case, I 
don't think that Java and C#'s solution for forced initialization of variables 
prior to usage really buys us anything.

- Jonathan M Davis

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