On 21.04.2012 11:46, SomeDude wrote:
I can't compile it. I get "Out of memory". Is it the regex.d module
again ?:(
This one really needs to be fixed ASAP, as the older working

Ah-ha-ha. OK, come on use it the source are out there in the open :)
It didn't even handle * properly.

 regexp is

Just stop using ctRegex for now... it's experimental.

Or more to the point the problem is this. I've seen this one on bugzilla:

version(CtRgx) {
                enum Re = ctRegex!re;//auto is OK here BTW
        } else {//that's the problem. It's _parsed_ at compile-time
                static Re = regex(re);//switch static to auto

And there is little I can do untill CTFE stops bleeding RAM.

Dmitry Olshansky

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