Am Wed, 25 Apr 2012 06:00:31 +0900
schrieb "Tyro[17]" <>:

> I believe the following two lines of code should produce the same 
> output. Is there a specific reason why doesn't allow this? Of course the 
> only way to store the result would be to put in into a BigInt variable 
> or convert it to string but I don't that shouldn't prevent the compiler 
> from producing the correct value.
> (101^^1000).to!string.writeln;
> (BigInt(101)^^1000).writeln;
> Regards,
> Andrew

Well... what do you want to hear? I like to know that the result of 
mathematical operations doesn't change its type depending on the ability to  
compile-time evaluate it and the magnitude of the result. Imagine the mess when 
the numbers are replaced by constants that are defined else where. This may 
work in languages that are not strongly typed, but we rely on the exact data 
type of an expression. You are calling a function called to!string with the 
overload that takes an int. A BigInt or a string may be handled entirely 
differently by to!string. The compiler doesn't know what either BigInt is or 
what to!string is supposed to do. It cannot make the assumption that passing a 
string to it will work the same way as passing an int. What you would need is 
that int and BigInt have the same semantics everywhere. But once you leave the 
language by calling a C function for example you need an explicit 32-bit int 
If you need this functionality use a programming language that has type classes 
and seamlessly switches between int/BigInt types, but drops the systems 
language attribute. You'll find languages that support unlimited integers and 
floats without friction. Or you use BigInt everywhere. Maybe Python or 


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