On Sunday, 11 December 2011 at 04:27:31 UTC, Mehrdad wrote:
Another bug, this time regarding invariant()....

(I think this is related to the previous one about int vs. size_t in template parameters, but I'm not sure...)

    template NArray(T, size_t N)
{ static if (N > 0) { alias NArray!(T, N - 1)[] NArray; } else { alias T NArray; } }
    struct Tensor(T, Length...)
        enum N = Length[0];
        invariant() { }
        this(scope NArray!(T, N) copyOfItems...) { }
        @property T[] data() { return null; }
Tensor!(typeof(mixin("data[0] " ~ op ~ " data[0]")), N) opBinary(string op)(Tensor other)
        { return typeof(return).init; }
    void main()
        Tensor!(size_t, 1) a;
        a = a + a;

Error: this for __invariant needs to be type Tensor not type Tensor!(uint,1)

This one is still valid.

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