On Sat, Apr 28, 2012 at 11:47:31AM -0700, Walter Bright wrote:
> Andrei and I had a fun discussion last night about this question.
> The idea was which features in D are redundant and/or do not add
> significant value?
> A couple already agreed upon ones are typedef and the cfloat,
> cdouble and creal types.

D has typedef?? Wow. And I thought I had a good grasp of D.

> What's your list?

Comma operator.


with statements. They make code hard to read, and besides you can (or
should be able to) alias long expressions into a short identifier for
this purpose anyway.

The great variety of string quoting syntax, while useful, seem to need
some cleanup and unification. Get rid of r"", `` works just fine. (Or
vice versa, but not both.) Delimited strings and token strings may be
possible to be unified, perhaps?

It's about time octal literals went the way of the bit bucket.

There's probably more, I'll post them as I think of them.


Questions are the beginning of intelligence, but the fear of God is the
beginning of wisdom.

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