On Sun, Apr 29, 2012 at 02:26:12PM +0200, David Nadlinger wrote:
>  - Comma operator: Kill it with extreme prejudice, it is an
>  anti-feature (allow it in for loop expressions if you really want to,
>  but I think there are better solutions).

+1. The voice of reason.

>  - HexString, DelimitedString, r""-WysiwigString, TokenString: I
> didn't ever use the former two (for including binary data in the
> program, ImportExpression is imho much easier than generating a
> source file containing a HexString).

I found hexstrings useful for writing unittests for testing Unicode
handling (I wanted to test both big- and little-endian UTF-16 and
UTF-32, whereas currently string literals can only produce native
endian). It might also be useful for unittesting code that takes binary

> As for r"", every time I actually need WysiwigString, I use backticks,
> because such strings often contain quotes anyway.

+1. I think r"" and `` should be merged. Having both is too much.

> Regarding TokenString(i.e. q{}) – it is certainly a very nice idea,
> especially regarding syntax highlighting, and I occasionally use them
> for CTFE code generation.

I use tokenstrings a lot for mixins. But arguably that use case would be
obsolete when D finally finds a good macro system.

>  - Concatenation of adjacent strings: Also an anti-feature, imho.

I personally find them useful for nicely-formatting code that contains
lots of long strings. But YMMV.

>  - Floating point comparison operators like !<>= (yes, that _is_ valid
>  D code): I must admit that I seldom write code relying on the finer
>  details of IEEE-754 semantics, but can't they just be »lowered« to a
>  combination of the more common ones?

Yeah when I was writing a D lexer (just as an exercise) I was
flabbergasted at the sheer amount of comparison operators D has. I mean,
I don't know if I will ever use *half* of them in my lifetime. After a
while my eyes were just glazing over from all the ASCII UFO's that
somehow flew into my code from outer space.

If IEEE-754 support is what the intention was, I'd recommend putting
them in std.math instead of loading the language with a bunch of
apparently-oxymoronic operators like !<> and !<>=, that probably nothing
outside of IEEE-754 buffs will ever even care about.

>  - Built-in arrays and AAs: They are convenient to use, but as far as
>  I can see the single biggest GC dependency in the language. Why not
>  lower array and AA literals to expression tuples (or whatever) to
>  make the convenient syntax usable with custom (possibly non-GC safe)
>  containers as well? A GC'd default implementation could then be
>  provided in druntime, just like today's arrays and AAs.

AA's are moving into druntime. Yours truly is supposed to make that
happen eventually, but lately time hasn't been on my side. :-/

This is an interesting idea, though... once we've fully excised AA's
from dmd (aside from convenient lowerings from native syntax), it will
open up the possibility of writing a GC-less druntime replacement that
also provides an alternate implementation of AA's that don't depend on
the GC.


This is not a sentence.

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