On 30/04/12 05:45, H. S. Teoh wrote:
On Sun, Apr 29, 2012 at 04:40:37PM +0200, Jacob Carlborg wrote:
* Do-while loops, how useful are those actually?

I grepped through the DMD source once, looking for how often Walter uses do..while. The answer: exactly zero.

OK, that got me all riled up about looping constructs, and now I'm
provoked to rant:

Since the advent of structured programming, looping constructs have
always been somewhat b0rken. Yes they worked very well, they are clean,
powerful, gets rid of almost all cases of needing goto's, etc.. But the
point of a loop is that *the entry point does not always correspond with
the exit point (where the loop condition is tested)*. The problem with
both do-loops and while-loops is that they are just straitjacketed
versions of a more general looping construct.

Completely agree. Forth is one of the few languages which got it right.

cond WHILE

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