
I'm running linux debian x86_64, it may matter.

The current version of dmd in git master segfault every single time it is ran with an old version of druntime. This is already an issue that the compiler segfault instead of providing any usefull error message (or at least a stack trace, which I can't get even with gdb for unknown reasons).

But worse : even with playing with the command line, I'm unable to get the right version of druntime used.

This means that I'm reduced to either fuck up my whole system by replacing druntime by the git one, or modify global config file to achieve similar results.

This means stop any meaning full work *IN* D when I work *ON* D. This is very problematic, and likely to stop me to work *ON* right now.

Is it possible to use a given druntime with some command line when calling dmd ? If it is, HOW ? If it isn't, I highly encourage this to be planned ASAP.

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