Am 09.05.2012 08:10, schrieb SiegeLord:
> For the ignorant: I do NOT mean variadic templates as used by std.stdio.
> I note that they are not mentioned in TDPL. What is the deal with them
> and their future? I'll be very displeased if I have to recode a good bit
> of Tango that uses them if they are removed... None of my attempts at
> coding a replacement for them using variadic templates have matched
> their efficiency (in terms of generated code size) or ease of use (they
> invariably require a shim function).
> -SL

I remember that we already had a discussion of that long ago, but why
not just replacing them with variadic templates like I did in my tango
fork. Basically you only need to change tango.text.convert.Layout
heavily. The rest are trivial changes on every stuff that is using
tango's formater. But that doesn't have to necessarily say that you're
breaking existing code!

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