On Wed, 09 May 2012 17:49:34 -0400, deadalnix <deadal...@gmail.com> wrote:

Le 09/05/2012 23:38, Nick Sabalausky a écrit :
Maybe, but I suspect most "not OSS" complaints would be coming from people who don't even know that much about D, and are just knee-jerking over "The
main compiler's backend isn't OSS?!? Well fuck that, then!"

'Course, I have zero evidence to back up that assertion.

Just compare the number of contribution since the project have been mostly open sourced on on github. Numbers speak for themselves.

I think this was more of a factor of github than open source -- The compiler was open sourced (in the same manner as it is on github) for years on dsource.org under subversion.

See here: http://dsource.org/projects/dmd/changeset/183


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