On 05/15/2012 04:28 AM, John Belmonte wrote:
C API's often use a opaque struct pointer as a handle. Mapping such a
struct to D using a forward declaration, I noticed that UFCS doesn't work:

struct State;
State* s = new_state();
foo(s); // ok
s.foo(); // compile error

Error detail:

Error: struct State is forward referenced when looking for 'foo'
Error: struct State is forward referenced when looking for 'opDot'
Error: struct State is forward referenced when looking for 'opDispatch'

I'm wondering if anything would be harmed by removing this restriction.

As a workaround I can use "struct State {}", but that feels wrong.

This is a compiler bug. You can report it here: http://d.puremagic.com/issues/

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