What about a new group on:

On Thursday, 17 May 2012 at 09:01:12 UTC, Paulo Pinto wrote:
On Thursday, 17 May 2012 at 08:54:16 UTC, filgood wrote:

Not sure who looks after the news server that hosts the relevant D newsgroups, but over the last few weeks, the amount of "high load" messages has been increasing at a steady rate, to an extend that it is becoming a real nuisance to read the newsgroups via a classic newsreader like thunderbird (hence using the web forum interface for this message).

Can someone please change the settings on the news server to solve this (or move to another server) ?

Many thanks,


There was a post from Andrei saying that they were looking into it, but I feel your pain.

Somehow the web interface appears to be more resilient to the post failures, but my Thunderbird and Windows Live Email keep complaining all the time. :(

Which is somehow ironic, since I prefer native applications to web based ones.

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