Am Mon, 14 May 2012 16:54:34 -0700
schrieb Walter Bright <>:

> On 5/14/2012 10:08 AM, Tove wrote:
> > but c++ has the 'mutable' keyword as an easy escape route...
> The existence of that capability means that 'const' in C++ cannot be 
> meaningfully reasoned about.

class Foo
  uint a, b;
  // can only call const pure nothrow members here:
  lazy uint somethingLazyInitialized = { return 2 * bar(); }

  uint bar() const pure nothrow @safe
    // complex calculation
    return a + b;

  override uint toHash() const pure nothrow @safe
    // sets the field on the first use
    return somethingLazyInitialized;

Internally the "lazy uint" consists of a function pointer and the uint. A lazy 
field acts like a read-only property. Whenever the field is read, code is 
generated that first checks, if the function pointer is not null. It then 
updates the uint with the return value of the function call and sets the 
function pointer to null, to indicate that the value is now initialized.

An instance of Foo cannot be immutable (it makes no sense to ask for that with 
lazy initialization), but it can be const. This is a form of logical const that 
still allows reasoning about the code + compiler enforcement in contrast to the 
more flexible (in a positive and negative sense) C++ mutable.


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