On Wednesday, 16 May 2012 at 15:52:37 UTC, Richard Webb wrote:
Try using the version from https://github.com/Rayerd/dfl instead of the one from the official site.

Thank you, but that didn't work.  I now get the following error:

C:\D\dmd2\import\dfl>C:\D\dmd2\windows\bin\dmd -c -debug -g -wi -I.. all.d bas e.d application.d internal/dlib.d internal/clib.d internal/utf.d internal/com.d control.d clippingform.d form.d registry.d drawing.d menu.d notifyicon.d commond ialog.d filedialog.d folderdialog.d panel.d textbox.d richtextbox.d picturebox.d listbox.d groupbox.d splitter.d usercontrol.d button.d label.d collections.d in ternal/winapi.d internal/wincom.d event.d socket.d timer.d environment.d message box.d tooltip.d combobox.d treeview.d tabcontrol.d colordialog.d listview.d data .d clipboard.d fontdialog.d progressbar.d resources.d statusbar.d imagelist.d to
Notice: As of Phobos 2.058, std.ctype has been deprecated. It will be removed in
 August 2012. Please use std.ascii instead.
internal\utf.d(91): Error: identifier 'useWfuncs' of 'std.file.useWfuncs' is not


Could Not Find C:\D\dmd2\import\dfl\*.obj
DFL lib files not found.
Error: dfl_debug.lib not found

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