On Saturday, 19 May 2012 at 20:42:13 UTC, Manu wrote:
On 18 May 2012 19:59, Bruno Medeiros
<brunodomedeiros+...@gmail.com> wrote:
On 12/05/2012 01:00, Timon Gehr wrote:
some essential properties:
- starts up instantaneously
some 'nice to have' properties:
- code analysis based code completion
> - integrated debugger
So just starting up the IDE is more important than actually
writing code or fixing bugs?...
Seriously, I'm never going to understand you "editor" people..
No, writing code and fixing bugs is more important than sitting
around and operating your computer. I can hit F7 or F5 way
faster than I can type a full line of some command on the
shell. I can tap tab and instantly complete typing the crap I
waste time typing repeatedly (typing almost all identifiers
become just 1 or 2 key strokes). I can hit ctrl-space and have
the documentation for a function appear INSTANTLY much faster
than I can swap out and refer to some reference manual. I can
step and debug and inspect the value of variables, deep in
structures containing a heap of indirection way faster than I
can operate GDB. I will seriously never understand anyone who
will try and honestly say typing shit on a command line,
feeding commands to GDB manually, and looking up references in
some external manual can possibly be faster... under ANY
circumstances... ever.
Perhaps to be a hard-core hacker? I've done a GUI-less
programming before, using GDB, typing the commands, all that
jazz. But it's about the same as jogging to work every day that's
say 15 Miles away; you 'COULD' do it, but if there's a better way
like a bike or a car or segway, then why continue to do it the
longer more busy route?
With a good editor and having data 10-50x faster and more
available, you can get more work done, and thereby fix more bugs
and program more. You'd have to actually use a decent IDE (like
eclipse for java) to realize how useful it can be. Course if you
have an awesome memory then perhaps it isn't quite as important;
but honestly I have a horrible memory.