"Andrei Alexandrescu" <seewebsiteforem...@erdani.org> wrote in message 
> On 5/22/12 2:52 PM, Nick Sabalausky wrote:
>> "Jacob Carlborg"<d...@me.com>  wrote in message
>> news:jpg2tq$140c$1...@digitalmars.com...
>>> The Apple mouses has always been a joke. I started with Mac OS X on a
>>> laptop, if you then mostly use the track pad it's not as bad. When I 
>>> made
>>> the full move to Mac OS X I continued to use my logitech mouse.
>> A trackpad is *better*? That's an even bigger condemnation of Apple mice
>> than anything I could have come up with ;)
>> I got a laptop about 12 years ago (no, I don't still use it) and it had a
>> trackpad. Over a decade later, and using a trackpad still feels like
>> operating a screwdriver with my feet.
> Well I guess there's such a thing as different strokes for different 
> folks, de gustibus non disputandum, etc. etc.

No kidding! I was reading through that interview you linked to about your 
setup, and I was thinking "How does he get anything done?" ;)  (But I might 
give GNU screen and zsh a try sometime, though.)

Google docs, for instance. I had to use that recently for a work-related, 
but very casual/informal thing, and this ended up flowing (slowly) out of my 

(I can't believe what a POS this is. This is at least the fourth browser I 
tried it in (Arora) and is the only one so far that didn't get an outright 
"Google Docs Error". WinME was more stable - literally. And typing feels 
just like using a terminal across a 2400bps dial-up with a noisy phone line. 
Leave it to Google to turn modern computers into 386s. Grumble, grumble. 
Just had to bitch about it...) Update: Heh, *now* I got a "Google Docs 
 Error" in Arora, too. That makes it 100% so far...

(And no, I don't normally talk in remotely that tone for work, and *never* 
like that with clients, just in case anyone was wondering ;) )

I'm sure Google Docs is fast(-ish) on that 64-bit multi-core 8GB RAM, SSD 
storage machine, but when it takes that kind of hardware just to run a 
what's really just a basic word processor, you know something has gone 
horribly, horibly wrong.

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