"Paulo Pinto" <pj...@progtools.org> wrote in message 
> I will only use node.js if I am ever forced to do so.
> There isn't a single node.js feature that it is not available in more
> mature runtimes/OS.
> It is only a mean for cool kids that are only able to use JavaScript, to
> try to code server side applications.

Nah, "cool" kids make the browser do everything. ;)

> I'll give it one, max two years until the fad wears off.

I'd like to agree with that, but I'm much more pessimistic. After all, look 
at the longevity PHP and Flash ended up having. On the web, the worse the 
technology, the more it will be adopted. That seems to be the way it 
generally works. Give it five, maybe ten years, then we'll start seeing a 
trend toward articles like "Node.js: A fractal of bad design"

My bet is the only thing that will squeeze node.js out of the way will be 
the next big dumb idea. I hope I'm wrong.

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