
I am trying to use Pegged for compile time parsing. The only issue I am
facing is with the compile time memory. I have a rather simple grammar,
mostly derived from the arithmetic.d example that comes bundled with Pegged.

I am wondering if the memory could be optimized by fine-tuning the code in
the grammar that I have written. I am pasting the code down here for
suggestions. On my 64-bit linux machine my small application is taking as
much as 2.2GB of RAM at the time of compiling the code using DMD 2.059. I
am using the latest Pegged code from github.

- Puneet

    CstSet     <  Cst+
    Cst        <  Bool ';'
    Bool       <  Comparison BoolExpr*
    BoolExpr   <  ^('&&'/'||') Comparison
    Comparison <  Expr CompExpr?
    CompExpr   <  ^('<='/'>='/'!='/'<'/'>'/'==') Expr
    Expr       <  Factor AddExpr*
    AddExpr    <  ^('+'/'-') Factor
    Factor     <  Primary MulExpr*
    MulExpr    <  ^('*'/'/') Primary
    Primary    <  Parens / Number / Variable / ^'-' Primary
    Parens     <  '(' Bool ')'
    Number     <~ [0-9]+
    Variable   <- Identifier"

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