On 2012-05-25 11:02, foobar wrote:

It makes the call order deterministic like in C++.

class Foo {}

struct A {
resource r;
~this() { release(r); }

struct B {
A* a;
Foo foo;
~this() { delete a; } // [1]

I though we were talking about classes holding structs:

class B {
    A* a;
    Foo foo;
    ~this() { delete a; }

In this case you don't know when/if the destructor of B is called. It doesn't help to wrap it in a struct, you could just have put it directly in A. Is that correct?

Lets look at point [1]:
The "foo" instance is "managed" by the GC since the only resource it
holds is memory. The "a" member wraps some "non-managed" resource (e.g.
file descriptor) and in this model is still valid, thus allows me to
deterministically dispose of it as in c++.

Ok, but if B is a class?

This can be simply checked at compile-time - you can only reference non
class instance members in the destructor, so adding a "delete foo;"
statement at point [1] simply won't compile.

If you have a pointer to a struct you don't know how it was created. It's possible it's been created with "new", which means the garbage collector needs to delete it.

/Jacob Carlborg

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