On Monday, 28 May 2012 at 12:27:09 UTC, Philippe Sigaud wrote:
I played with this idea with my own Pegged
(https://github.com/PhilippeSigaud/Pegged), but I wasn't quite
convinced by the result, exactly for the reason above. Also, when looking at real-world Spirit examples, I was a bit disappointed by the
resulting syntax: it's not *that* readable for complicated
expressions. In fact, that's exactly why I decided to follow the DSL road with Pegged, so as to obtain exactly the PEG syntax, with the
real operators and their standard precedence.

Fair enough. I did notice the following in the markdown PEG though which could benefit from first class patterns:

# Parsers for different kinds of block-level HTML content.
# This is repetitive due to constraints of PEG grammar.

HtmlBlockOpenAddress <- '<' Spnl ("address" / "ADDRESS") Spnl HtmlAttribute* '>' HtmlBlockCloseAddress <- '<' Spnl '/' ("address" / "ADDRESS") Spnl '>'
HtmlBlockAddress <- HtmlBlockOpenAddress (HtmlBlockAddress /
   !HtmlBlockCloseAddress .)* HtmlBlockCloseAddress

HtmlBlockOpenBlockquote <- '<' Spnl ("blockquote" / "BLOCKQUOTE") Spnl
   HtmlAttribute* '>'
HtmlBlockCloseBlockquote <- '<' Spnl '/' ("blockquote" / "BLOCKQUOTE") Spnl '>' HtmlBlockBlockquote <- HtmlBlockOpenBlockquote (HtmlBlockBlockquote /
   !HtmlBlockCloseBlockquote .)* HtmlBlockCloseBlockquote


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