On Tuesday, 29 May 2012 at 17:35:12 UTC, Michel Fortin wrote:
On 2012-05-29 15:09:00 +0000, Artur Skawina <art.08...@gmail.com> said:

  int a[1024];
  int[] da = a[0..1024];

  if (whatever)
     da = da[3..14];
  if (something_else)
     da = [42] ~ da;
  // etc

  if (da_is_a_slice_of_a())

How do you implement da_is_a_slice_of_a()?

Indeed, for that to work you'd still need to handle this case specially. My bad for not catching that.

Personally, I think it'd be much cleaner to go with some kind of magic function than trying to match the condition against a predefined pattern. Something like da.isSliceOf(a), which could do the usual pointer thing at runtime and call some sort of CTFE intrinsic at compile-time.

it would be elegant to reuse 'in', but is it too error-prone?

int[10] tmp;
int*    ptr = &tmp[4];

if(ptr in tmp) // O(1), i.e. ok.

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