On 5/30/12 6:10 AM, Regan Heath wrote:
Ultimately the "problem" that needs solving is the fact that
synchronized classes/methods use a public mutex and this exposure makes
deadlocks more likely. I was hoping that by giving some examples in
code, it would become clearer to the people who don't see what all the
fuss is about.

How do free-floating mutexes that are not explicitly associated with _any_ data make deadlocks less likely? In my experience the less structured mutexes are worse, not better.

Yes, having to manually create a mutex is a pain, and as Andrei has
mentioned a few times having 2 separate things (one object to lock, one
mutex) which conceptually should be one thing is worse from an
understanding/maintenance point of view, however..

1. If the mutex is intended to lock a single object then we can make the
following options available:
a. A Lockable class to derive from.
b. A Lockable struct to compose with (assuming here that the struct will
be created/destroyed with the object).
c. A Lockable!(T) wrapper template/struct/class to wrap objects to be
d. A Lockable interface which classes may implement.
e. Some sort of compiler magic where it supplies the mutex for
objects/methods marked with "synchronized" or involved in a
synchronized(object) statement.

2. If the scope of the locking is greater than a single object, then a
separate mutex is required/desired anyway.

But all of these are available in the current design. You have synchronized classes for the likes of 1a and the core mutex for creating all others except e.

1a. would contain a mutex primitive and lock/tryLock/unlock methods (it
would implement the interface in 1d)

1b. would also contain a mutex primitive and alias could be used to
expose the lock/tryLock/unlock methods (it would implement the interface
in 1d)

1c. is actually a technique I have used a lot in C++ where the template
class is created on the stack of a function/critical section and it
(optionally) locks on creation (or later when lock() is called) and
always unlocks on destruction as it leaves scope (by any means). It's a
very robust pattern, and is similar (the inspiration/or result) of/to
the synchronized block itself.

Yah, we use it a lot at Facebook. We probably should have such a wrapper in the standard library.

IMO, the wasted space used by the monitor isn't ideal, but it's not a
"problem" for the general case. It is a problem for people with limited
memory environments but that's another topic. Talking about both is only
clouding the discussional waters so to speak.

I agree.


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