*>From:* mta`chrono <chr...@mta-international.net>
>*Sent:* Sunday, June 3, 2012 14:38:31
>*To:* digitalmars-d@puremagic.com
>*Subject:* Re: synchronized (this[.classinfo]) in druntime and phobos
>Am 30.05.2012 11:11, schrieb deadalnix:
>> D already have much better tools that the one java provide
>> (std.concurency, std.parallelism, TLS by default, transitive type
>> qualifiers, . . .) that most these thing taken from java don't make any
>> sense now.
>> For instance, what is the point of being able to lock on any object when
>> most of them are thread local ??
> Right! Locking on non-TLS objects doesn't make sense. Perhaps only
> shared objects should be synchronizeable and thus contain a monitor /
> pointer to a monitor.
auto thingy = new Thing();
auto sthingy = cast(shared)thingy;

As long as we support casting to/from shared, you can’t eliminate the
monitor pointer in any object.

Sent from my *Windows 8 PC* <http://windows.microsoft.com/consumer-preview>

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