On Sun, Jun 03, 2012 at 10:12:27AM +0200, Jonas Drewsen wrote:
> Would be nice if there was a tshirt with the new D logo. Something
> like
> http://www.blender3d.org/e-shop/product_info_n.php?products_id=141
> How do you upload the prints to cafepress? Maybe someone on this list
> can create something cool looking. Anyone?

There's a new D logo? Where?

Some time ago, I made a quick-n-dirty povray model of D man:


You can see some sample renders here:


But it didn't seem to have attracted much attention. Perhaps people
think it's too simplistic. *shrug*


If a person can't communicate, the very least he could do is to shut up.
-- Tom Lehrer, on people who bemoan their communication woes with their
loved ones.

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