On 2012-06-05 17:47, Jonathan M Davis wrote:

When writing std.datetime, I was shocked to find out that Mac OS X doesn't have
the librt functions in spite of the fact that they're POSIX. My guess is that
they're from some version of POSIX that Mac OS X doesn't support, but
regardless, the fact that something is POSIX doesn't seem to actually
guarantee much. It puts you in the general ballpark of your stuff working if
it's using POSIX stuff, but you have to make it sure (and potentially tweak)
everything that you do which relies on POSIX functionality for each OS to make
sure that it functions correctly. All you have to do is go through druntime
and see all of the differences between each of the POSIX systems to see how
much they vary, in spite of the fact that they're all supposedly following the
POSIX standard.

- Jonathan M Davis

The Posix support on Mac OS X isn't the best. I think it was pretty bad in Mac OS X 10.4. In 10.5 it got a lot better. I think it's getting better in each version.

/Jacob Carlborg

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