On Sunday, June 10, 2012 23:49:12 ixid wrote:
> Having to append .array() all the time is rather annoying. I
> can't help but feel that there's a better solution than this. Are
> lazy Result methods really the default way of doing things? I'd
> rather have eager versions.

Eager versions are only good if you don't want to pass the result to another 
function. And since Phobos (and plenty of user code) uses ranges all over the 
place, you'd end up allocating memory all over the place, whereas right now, 
you only allocate it when you explicitly call a function which allocates 
memory to hold the data - e.g. array. Something like

foreach(e; map!"to!string(a)"(filter!"a <= 50"(arr, 42)))

would end up allocating  for both the result of filter and map, when it doesn't 
actually need to allocate for _either_ of them. Right now, it can process them 
lazily, only filtering and mapping for the elements that actually get 
processed. By using lazy ranges, you avoid both unnecessary allocations and 
avoid having to process all of the elements in a range if you don't need to.

On top of all of that, if a function doesn't return a lazy range, you _can't_ 
use it with infinite ranges, so if range-based functions all eagerly operated 
on ranges, infinite ranges would be useless.

- Jonathan M Davis

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