It's just an import of two extern(C) functions.
I read:

extern (C) // could anyone translate the whole gwan.h file?
   void *get_reply(char[][]);
   char *xbuf_ncat(void *, char *, uint);

And then:

xbuf_ncat(get_reply(argv), "Hello World (D)", "Hello World (C)".sizeof - 1);

Maybe they should give a better support for D language...

On Monday, 25 June 2012 at 11:08:06 UTC, Eric R. Schulz (ers35) wrote:
There is an example at "" in the tarball. To use it, install GDC and rename "hello.d_" to "hello.d".

You may have difficulties depending on the version of GDC you use. I do not recall which version is supported. I will find out and make another reply.

On Monday, 25 June 2012 at 10:42:36 UTC, Andrea Fontana wrote:
D.annunce newsgroup fits better :)

However I can't find any example/sdk for D pages...
Neither in tarball I see in download section.

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