Note that PEG does not impose to use packrat parsing, even though it was developed to use it. I think it's a historical 'accident' that put
the two together: Bryan Ford thesis used the two together.

Interesting. After trying to use ANTLR-C# several years back, I got disillusioned because nobody was interested in fixing the bugs in it (ANTLR's author is a Java guy first and foremost) and the source code of the required libraries didn't have source code or a license (wtf.)

So, for awhile I was thinking about how I might make my own parser generator that was "better" than ANTLR. I liked the syntax of PEG descriptions, but I was concerned about the performance hit of packrat and, besides, I already liked the syntax and flexibility of ANTLR. So my idea was to make something that was LL(k) and mixed the syntax of ANTLR and PEG while using more sane (IMO) semantics than ANTLR did at the time (I've no idea if ANTLR 3 still uses the same semantics today...) All of this is 'water under the bridge' now, but I hand-wrote a lexer to help me plan out how my parser-generator would produce code. The output code was to be both more efficient and significantly more readable than ANTLR's output. I didn't get around to writing the parser-generator itself but I'll have a look back at my handmade lexer for inspiration.

However, as I found a few hours ago, Packrat parsing (typically used to handle PEG) has serious disadvantages: it complicates debugging because of frequent backtracking, it has problems with error recovery, and typically disallows to add actions with side effects (because of possibility of backtracking). These are important enough to reconsider my plans of using Pegged. I will try to analyze whether the issues are so fundamental that I (or somebody else) will have to create an ANTLR-like parser instead, or whether it is possible to introduce changes into Pegged that would fix these

I don't like the sound of this either. Even if PEGs were fast, difficulty in debugging, error handling, etc. would give me pause. I insist on well-rounded tools. For example, even though LALR(1) may be the fastest type of parser (is it?), I prefer not to use it due to its inflexibility (it just doesn't like some reasonable grammars), and the fact that the generated code is totally unreadable and hard to debug (mind you, when I learned LALR in school I found that it is possible to visualize how it works in a pretty intuitive way--but debuggers won't do that for you.)

While PEGs are clearly far more flexible than LALR and probably more flexible than LL(k), I am a big fan of old-fashioned recursive descent because it's very flexible (easy to insert actions during parsing, and it's possible to use custom parsing code in certain places, if necessary*) and the parser generator's output is potentially very straightforward to understand and debug. In my mind, the main reason you want to use a parser generator instead of hand-coding is convenience, e.g. (1) to compress the grammar down so you can see it clearly, (2) have the PG compute the first-sets and follow-sets for you, (3) get reasonably automatic error handling.

* (If the language you want to parse is well-designed, you'll probably not need much custom parsing. But it's a nice thing to offer in a general-purpose parser generator.)

I'm not totally sure yet how to support good error messages, efficiency and straightforward output at the same time, but by the power of D I'm sure I could think of something...

I would like to submit another approach to parsing that I dare say is my favorite, even though I have hardly used it at all yet. ANTLR offers something called "tree parsing" that is extremely cool. It parses trees instead of linear token streams, and produces other trees as output. I don't have a good sense of how tree parsing works, but I think that some kind of tree-based parser generator could become the basis for a very flexible and easy-to-understand D front-end. If a PG operates on trees instead of linear token streams, I have a sneaky suspicion that it could revolutionize how a compiler front-end works.

Why? because right now parsers operate just once, on the user's input, and from there you manipulate the AST with "ordinary" code. But if you have a tree parser, you can routinely manipulate and transform parts of the tree with a sequence of independent parsers and grammars. Thus, parsers would replace a lot of things for which you would otherwise use a visitor pattern, or something. I think I'll try to sketch out this idea in more detail later.

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