If you create a class/struct that can give you a (forward) range via "opSlice()", and that range gives you access to "opApply", then you get two different behaviors:

MyClass arr = ...;

foreach(a; arr)

foreach(a; arr[])

In the first case, foreach will call opSlice(), and then walk through the resulting arr[] range with the front/popFront/empty troika.

In the second case, foreach will call opApply on the range "arr[]".

I'm wondering if this is the correct behavior? In particular, since foreach guarantees a call to opSlice(), so writing "arr[]" *should* be redundant, yet the final behavior is different.

That said, the "issue" *could* be fixed if the base class defines opApply as: "return opSlice().opApply(dg)" (or more complex). However: a) The implementer of class has no obligation to do this, since he has provided a perfectly valid range. b) This would force implementers into more generic useless boilerplate code.

What are your thoughts? Which is the "correct" solution? Is it a bug with foreach, or should the base struct/class provide an opApply?

PS: Related: "foreach over range (with opApply) should save range."
On this assigned issue, is the conclusion that foreach will eventually save the range?

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