On 7/15/2012 4:34 PM, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
It needs to stop completely.

Most of the renaming of functions which has gone on has been because Phobos
has been inconsistent with its naming, which makes it harder to use and learn.
As that's sorted out (as has mostly been done), those changes will stop. But
do you honestly expect that everything in the standard library is going to be
frozen at some point? Is that what you're suggesting?

I've had a lot of my own working D code break because of name changes in Phobos. This is extremely annoying. I can fully understand that it drives people away. It's got to stop.

We could bikeshed forever about what exact spelling and casing a name should have. That's fine for new names. Old names should stay.

Breaking things should have a very high bar. Merely a name change is not good enough.

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