On 07/19/2012 02:16 PM, Christophe Travert wrote:
> "monarch_dodra" , dans le message (digitalmars.D:172710), a écrit :
>> One of the reason the implementation doesn't let you escape a 
>> reference is that that reference may become (_unverifiably_) 
>> invalid.
> The same applies to a dynamic array: it is undistinguishable from a 
> sliced static array. More generally, as long as you allow variables on 
> the stack with no escaped reference tracking, you can't ensure 
> references remain valid. Even in safe code.
> If I want my references to remain valid, I use dynamic array and garbage 
> collection. If I use Array, I accept that my references may die. Array 
> that protects the validity of their references are awesome. But, IMHO, 
> not at that cost.
>> ...That said, I see no reason for the other containers (SList, 
>> I'm looking at you), not to expose references.
> I'm against not exposing reference, but all containers will be 
> implemented with custom allocator someday.
>> The current work around? Copy-Extract, manipulate, re-insert. 
>> Sucks.
> IMO, what sucks even more is that arr[0].insert(foo) compiles while it 
> has no effect. arr[0] is a R-value, but applying method to R-value is 
> allowed. I don't know the state of debates about forbiding to call 
> non-const methods on R-values. I think this would break too much code.

As it seems the issue really should be resolved by making opIndex return
by reference and press thumbs hard that something like a 'scope ref'
will be implemented?

Furthermore, since RefCounted objects do not behave like reference types
until initialized, they *must* be initialized before anything else
happens and hence I propose to change std.container.Array like
Christophe said: Replace 'isInitialized()' checks by assertions and add
a method with which the user explicitly initialized the reference counter.

Or is there a reasonable alternative?

Best regards,

Matthias Walter

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