On Thu, 19 Jul 2012 16:13:05 +0200
"Dave X." <dxuhu...@gmail.com> wrote:

> How was the reception of the idea of binary literals as opposed 
> to octal (I think it's an awesome feature, I think D, OCaml and 
> Java 7 are the only ones that have it)? How long did it take to 
> decide to implement it?

Binary literals have been there since way back around the beginning of
D, just like hex literals, decimal literals and the now-dead old-style
octal literals. Back when *everything* in D was a new feature.

If octal literals had been like 0o123 or 0c123 instead of 0123 from the
beginning, then I doubt we would have ever replaced them with
octal!123 (since 0o123 or 0c123 aren't absolutely horrible like 0123

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