On 21-07-2012 22:26, Nick Sabalausky wrote:
On Sat, 21 Jul 2012 21:59:12 +0200
Alex Rønne Petersen <a...@lycus.org> wrote:

On 21-07-2012 21:51, Nick Sabalausky wrote:
On Sat, 21 Jul 2012 09:47:06 -0400
Michel Fortin <michel.for...@michelf.ca> wrote:

And also, more and more it'd require ARM support to be competitive
in the GUI area.

Yes. But there's an even bigger reason for ARM: Mobile devices, like
iOS and Android. I'm not personally a fan of them, but nonetheless
those things are HUGE (no pun intended). And yet the ONLY real
language choices there are C++, Java and Objective-C (and Lua if
you count "Son-of-Flash", ie Corona - which I don't count). And
half of THOSE are out of the question if you want cross platform,
which any sane developer should. So PERFECT fertile ground for D.

... and C# ;)

Oh, yea. I assume you're referring to Unity, right?

Nah, more of a shameless plug: http://xamarin.com/

(I work for Xamarin ;))

I know I keep harping on that, but it's a big issue for me since I'm
deep into that stuff now and goddamn do I wish I could be doing
it in D, but D's support on those devices (or just outputting C/C++)
unfortunately just isn't mature enough ATM.

GDC is pretty far along as far as ARM support goes; I intend to have
another run through it one of these days to look at any remaining

That is encouraging to hear :) What about druntime and phobos, though?
And what about D feature set, is it up to 2.059?

GDC is up to DMD FE 2.059, so as far as the language goes, D on ARM should be up to date. Phobos should already build on ARM as-is (I sent some ARM patches upstream recently, too). druntime might need tweaking for some recent changes in in the threading/GC infrastructure, but I'll have to investigate further to see what the state is. I'll probably get around to that on Monday.

I wonder if maybe I could somehow tell Marmalade's annoying proprietary
build system to pass in some extra object files to the linker? I'll have
to ask on their forums. Because maybe then I could compile some stuff
with GDC and link it in.

Alex Rønne Petersen

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