On Sunday, 22 July 2012 at 00:21:31 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
On 7/21/12 8:16 PM, Kapps wrote:
I agree with most things proposed, however I am not a fan of the idea of mixing in runtime reflection info. Many times, you want reflection info from a type that is not your own, and thus I believe reflection should be generated by specifying a type. More importantly, a method should
exist for recursively generating reflection info.

I confess I have trouble understanding each of the sentences above.

What I meant was that when something requires reflection, it generally requires that everything it contains has reflection information as well. If using a mixin directly in the module itself, when a module does not include this mixin it will never get reflection information. This may or may not be desired. However it completely prevents many common uses of reflection, including serialization. So long as there is any dependency on any type or method that does not have reflection info, the entire operation would fail. This means that people will either start adding reflection to modules that do not need it in fear that someone may try to use a member of their module, or too sparsely thus making reflection all but unuseable for many common situations.

Also, I'd like to see a hierarchal approach to reflection data. The main advantage to std.reflection would be being able to use it at run-time, at which point we can't simply rely on templates, and instead if we want
to store something we must rely on a base type.

At no place in the proposed approach is the use of templates required or needed.

What I mean by this is that people rely on the ability to use templates as a replacement to inheritance or common interfaces. For example, ranges rely on methods existing rather than using an interface for a range. With reflection, this isn't ideal. For example, if you wanted to get all the fields and properties in a module, including nested ones, you'd currently have to get all fields, in a module, add those, then get all types in a module, then all types in that type, then get all fields from those, etc. With a hierarchal approach where MemberInfo has a Children property, you'd simply get all children that are a FieldInfo or PropertyInfo, and recurse for all returned values that have children.

I think the best
approach would be a hierarchal system where all reflection data derives
from MemberInfo. My ideal API would like something like:

I cringed at

MemberType -> { Module, Type, Field, Method, Parameter }

I was hoping to get away from slapping tagging on types just for the sake of using inheritance.

Admittedly, the MemberType wouldn't be necessary and I don't see as having a huge benefit. In almost all cases you know what you want to operate on, inheritance simply makes the API cleaner and gives access to common methods more easily.

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