Am 22.07.2012 12:10, schrieb Jens Mueller:
Sönke Ludwig wrote:
Am 20.07.2012 07:35, schrieb Jens Mueller:

I've written some Deimos interface for LLVM.

I'd like to get some feedback on those.
Firstly to finish these and secondly to finish some guidelines that I'd
like to propose to be published on


Are the bindings for 3.0 or 3.1?
I'm asking because at least some enum members have changed (don't
exactly remember which).

It's 3.1.


Ok great, then I can throw away my bindings :) (unfortunately I couldn't publish them because of my former employee...).

Btw. regarding Barnard's comment about LLVM-C, I partially agree. Several additions/modifications were necessary in my case to be able to make the compiler fully work. I wonder if it's feasable to compile LLVM using DMC and then use extern(C++) to make an object oriented interface at some point, possibly using SWIG or something. But well.. apart from some missing features, I think the C interface is actually OK to work with, once you get over the missing documentation, so maybe it's really not worth the time.

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