On Mon, Jul 23, 2012 at 10:00:24PM -0400, Nick Sabalausky wrote:
> On Sun, 22 Jul 2012 20:24:19 +0200
> Paulo Pinto <pj...@progtools.org> wrote:
> > The type of "programmer clogs" we have in our projects are so low
> > skill, that I have bad dreams what they could do in more powerfull
> > languages.
> > 
> > Already C# is highly advanced for some of them!
> >
> Actually, that may be a good reason NOT to use a training-wheels
> language like Java - one they finally do *that* much damage, maybe
> they'll finally get the boot ;) Mwa ha ha ha ha!

Unfortunately, that usually happens only after they burned down your
project. It only takes one twig to burn down a forest; it only takes one
twit to burn down a project.

Reminds of a certain individual who shall remain unnamed, with whom I
argued about why he should *not* implement IPv6 prefix checking by
converting the address and prefixes to strings and then using
strncmp()... Truly boggles the mind.


I'm still trying to find a pun for "punishment"...

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