On 23/07/12 15:29, bearophile wrote:
After a discussion in D.learn started by someone else, after a
suggestion of mine Timon Gehr has added a bug report:


But the bug was fixed in the opposite way of what I was thinking.

The problem was that the length of global immutable arrays arrays is
seen as a compile-time constant.
Instead of fixing that, Issue 8400 has done the opposite, now even the
lenght of local immutable arrays is seen sometimes as a compile-time
constant, and example:

Sorry bearophile, I completely disagree with this post.

Currently, when a compile time value is required, CTFE is attempted. If it fails, an error message is generated.

You are asking for a corner case to be introduced. Under certain circumstances (which aren't clearly defined), you want CTFE to *not* be attempted.

     immutable int[] A = foo(5);
     int[A.length] B;

This code too compiles, so A is sometimes computed at run-time and
sometimes at compile-time:

      immutable int[] A = foo(n);

Now immutable arrays are sometimes seen as enums.

That is not correct, an immutable array is always different to an enum. For example, an enum is simply a manifest constant, and does not have an address. An immutable array always has an address.

I think this is a
problem. I think in D compile-time is run only if it's evaluated in a
context where compile-time values are required. But now the situation is
more muddy, because knowing n at compile-time is not a way to ask A to
be computed at compile-time.

The only consequence is that if you don't require it at compile time, a particular optimization might not happen. There is no change to semantics.

Another problem is that compile-time arrays in many situations are not
efficient, they gets copied every time you use them, and I think that
__d_arrayliteralTX performs a heap allocation. So now both enum and
immutable arrays perform heap allocations every time you use them, but
only in some situations.

That's the famous bug 2356, which is completely irrelevant to this situation.

I think this is a messy situation, I think the fix for bug 8400 should
be undone, and I think Issue 8400 should be fixed the other way, turning
global immutable arrays too into run-time entities.

Did you even know that initializers of global variables, including arrays, including even mutable arrays, are ALWAYS CTFE'd?

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