On Friday, July 27, 2012 04:27:36 Stuart wrote:
> On Friday, 27 July 2012 at 02:13:19 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
> > It's inherently unsafe. What happens if you returned a
> > reference to foo from someFunc?
> Good answer. I didn't think of that.
> > scope on local variables is going away for pretty much the same
> > reason that delete is.
> Delete is going away too? Damn. Then again, I guess I'm still
> thinking in C++ terms. I need to stop doing that.
> I'm having difficulty thinking in terms of D. It looks like C++,
> it compiles to native code (unlike .NET), therefore I need to
> manage memory myself... ;)
> I'll get the hang of it eventually.

In general, you should just let the GC do its thing. Then when you have 
portions of your code that need to be optimized, _then_ you worry about 
managing GC memory or using malloc and free instead or whatever it takes to 
make it properly efficient. Coding in a way that reduces unnecessary heap 
allocations is also good, but if you're worrying about when you need to free 
GC-allocated resources, then you're likely going about things wrong, since 
that's what the GC is for.

- Jonathan M Davis

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