On Friday, 27 July 2012 at 15:09:38 UTC, Graham Fawcett wrote:
On Friday, 27 July 2012 at 13:10:46 UTC, Stuart wrote:
On Friday, 27 July 2012 at 03:00:25 UTC, Brad Anderson wrote:

D equivalent: iota(0, int.max, 2).map!(a => /* do something with even numbers */)();

I think you're missing the point. The purpose isn't to generate a sequence of numbers, but to illustrate how the Yield keyword is used in VB.NET. Sure, getting a sequence of numbers may be straightforward, but what about a lazy-populated list of all files on a computer? That can be done using Yield - and more importantly, WRITTEN like a normal synchronous function. Let's see you do that with map.

That's easy:

  [...elided code...]
  auto entries = dirEntries(BASE_DIR, SpanMode.breadth);

Ah, but that depends upon the pre-existence of the dirEntries() function. I think perhaps you're missing the point - which is that "Yield" allows you to WRITE a function synchronously which will then be executed lazily, as an iterator. What you have demonstrated there is USING a lazy function. How would I write, in D, a function that would lazily assemble some data and return it as a lazy collection? I mean, without calling existing lazy functions.

Unless ranges (which I admit to knowing very little about) can do this, I respectfully request that Yield be supported in D.

You should spend some time using ranges before drawing conclusions about them.

Is there a good tutorial on them? I didn't see one on the website.

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