Michel Fortin wrote:
The next issue, which I haven's seen discussed here is that for a parser
to be efficient it should operate on buffers. You can make it work with
arbitrary ranges, but if you don't have a buffer you can slice when you
need to preserve a string, you're going to have to build the string
character by character, which is not efficient at all. But then you can
only really return slices if the underlying representation is the same
as the output representation, and unless your API has a templated output
type, you're going to special case a lot of things.

Instead of returning whole strings, you may provide another sub-range for the string itself. I wrote JSON parser using this approach (https://github.com/pszturmaj/json-streaming-parser) and thanks to that it is possible to parse json without a single heap allocation. This could be also used in XML parser.

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