F i L wrote:
Walter Bright wrote:
It catches only a subset of these at compile time. I can craft any number of ways of getting it to miss diagnosing it. Consider this one:

   float z;
   if (condition1)
        z = 5;
   ... lotsa code ...
   if (condition2)


Yes, but that's not really an issue since the compiler informs the coder of it's limitation. You're simply forced to initialize the variable in this situation.

I just want to clarify something here. In C#, only class/struct fields are defaulted to a usable value. Locals have to be explicitly set before they're used.. so, expanding on your example above:

    float z;
    if (condition1)
        z = 5;
        z = 6; // 'else' required

    ... lotsa code ...
    if (condition2)

On the first condition, without an 'else z = ...', or if the condition was removed at a later time, then you'll get a compiler error and be forced to explicitly assign 'z' somewhere above using it. So C# and D work in "similar" ways in this respect except that C# catches these issues at compile-time, whereas in D you need to:

  1. run the program
  2. get bad result
  3. hunt down bug

NaNs in C# are "mostly" (citations needed) set to ensure fields are initialized in a constructor:

    class Foo
        float f = float.NaN; // Can't 'f' use unless Foo is
                             // properly constructed.

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