On 08/10/12 14:32, bearophile wrote:
> (Repost from D.learn.)
> Through Reddit I've found a page that shows a small example of Rust code:
> http://www.reddit.com/r/programming/comments/xyfqg/playing_with_rust/
> https://gist.github.com/3299083
> The code:
> https://gist.github.com/3307450
> -----------------------------
> So I've tried to translate this first part of the Rust code to D (I have not 
> run it, but it looks correct):
> enum expr {
>     val(int),
>     plus(&expr, &expr),
>     minus(&expr, &expr)
> }
> fn eval(e: &expr) -> int {
>     alt *e {
>       val(i) => i,
>       plus(a, b) => eval(a) + eval(b),
>       minus(a, b) => eval(a) - eval(b)
>     }
> }
> fn main() {
>     let x = eval(
>         &minus(&val(5),
>                &plus(&val(3), &val(1))));
>     io::println(#fmt("val: %i", x));
> }

Ugh. Haven't really read that article, but how about this
D version:

   import std.stdio;

   template ALIAS(alias A) { alias A ALIAS; }

   static struct Expr(string EVAL, A...) {
      A a;
      static if (is(typeof(a[0].eval)))
         @property a0() { return a[0].eval; }
         alias ALIAS!(a[0]) a0;
      static if (is(typeof(a[1]))) {
         static if (is(typeof(a[1].eval)))
            @property a1() { return a[1].eval; }
            alias ALIAS!(a[1]) a1;
      @property auto eval() {
         static if (is(typeof(mixin(EVAL))))
            return mixin(EVAL);
      //alias eval this; // Uncommenting this line will enable automatic
                         // evaluation -- which may not always be desirable.

      auto opBinary(string op, B)(B b) {
         return Expr!("a0" ~ op ~ "a1", Expr, B)(this, b);

   auto Val(V)(V v) { return Expr!("a0", V)(v); }

   void main() {
      auto r = Val(5) - (Val(3) + Val(1));
      writeln("r: ", r, " == ", r.eval);
      auto s = sqr(Val(5) * Val(2) ^^ Val(3));
      writeln("s: ", s, " == ", s.eval);

   auto sqr(T)(T a) { return Expr!("a0*a0", T)(a); }

which is more readable while being much more powerful.

But still trivial enough that the compiler (GDC) evaluates it all
at compile time, even without being asked to do so.


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