On Saturday, 11 August 2012 at 22:17:44 UTC, Timon Gehr wrote:
Will generated code differ?

Only the mangled symbol name will differ. (unlike when scope is used on delegate parameters, in this case it prevents closure allocation at the call site.)

The code for callee stays the same, yes, but the code for the caller might change as the optimizer is free to take advantage of the fact that any reference in the parameters will not be escaped by the function. For example, LDC will stack-allocate dynamic arrays and objects if they are local to the function. [1]


[1] The fine print: We currently don't take advantage of "scope" parameters for this yet, though (it seems too dangerous with the related analysis not being implemented in the frontend), and for a completely unrelated reason, the code which performs the mentioned optimization is disabled in current master (but will be re-enabled in the near future, before the September release).

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